• +86-755-82919992
  • alice@gngglobal.com
  • 2/F, Building A2, Fuyuan Industrial Park, FengTang Blvd., Fuyong Town, BaoAn District, Shenzhen, China
Diameter 45mm 3D decorative digital pixel multi color led ballDiameter 45mm 3D decorative digital pixel multi color led ball
8 output ports SD controller can connect to DMX console8 output ports SD controller can connect to DMX console
144pcs led 48 pixels per meter addressable 5050 RGBW led strip144pcs led 48 pixels per meter addressable 5050 RGBW led strip
Diameter 60mm 18pcs SMD5050 Amusement Park RidesDiameter 60mm 18pcs SMD5050 Amusement Park Rides
4x512 channels Art-net led controller Madrix4x512 channels Art-net led controller Madrix
3D PIXEL BALL, dmx led light3D PIXEL BALL, dmx led light
4 ports led controller play mode by date, week, playing list and time4 ports led controller play mode by date, week, playing list and time
6SMD5050 LED pixel module RGB full color6SMD5050 LED pixel module RGB full color
16pixels per meter DMX led meteor decorative light16pixels per meter DMX led meteor decorative light
3SMD5050 led point pixel light3SMD5050 led point pixel light
3SMD5050 led pixel point light3SMD5050 led pixel point light
6SMD5050 RGB led module pixel light6SMD5050 RGB led module pixel light
48smd5050 48 pixel digital led strip48smd5050 48 pixel digital led strip
TM1809 digital led strip 30led per meterTM1809 digital led strip 30led per meter
1 SMD5050 LED RGB module1 SMD5050 LED RGB module
with alumium base Diameter 60mm led pixel lightwith alumium base Diameter 60mm led pixel light
RF Wireless Synchronization LED control systemRF Wireless Synchronization LED control system
Load Capacity 4096pixels LED Controller with IR panelLoad Capacity 4096pixels LED Controller with IR panel
WiFi RGB Wireless led controllerWiFi RGB Wireless led controller
On-line LED controller working with PC Load capacity: 100,000pixelsOn-line LED controller working with PC Load capacity: 100,000pixels
FULL color LED strip 32 pixels per meter with drive IC WS2801FULL color LED strip 32 pixels per meter with drive IC WS2801
8pcs of lamps Piranha RGBW LED Module8pcs of lamps Piranha RGBW LED Module
RGB 30W COB LED FLood light with IR Remote panelRGB 30W COB LED FLood light with IR Remote panel
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